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Serial Killer Cases

Some serial killers are emblazoned into the minds of the public.  Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, and Jeffrey Dahmer’s names are synonymous with evil and what it means to be a serial killer.  Gacy, for instance, would kill young men that were on the fringes of society – often runaways or homeless.  He then would hide their bodies in the crawlspaces of his home.  Gacy was eventually arrested for the murder of 33 young men, with 28 of their bodies were found inside his home.  Police did not know there was a serial killer in the area, nor suspect Gacy of any killings before his last victim. Other serial killer cases are less known to the public (Keppel & Birnes). 
There was a group of serial killers who like likely killed 30 or more teenage boys.  The killers were Elmer Wayne Henley, Dean Corll, and David Owen Brooks.  The police and public were unaware there was a serial killer trio in Pasadena, Texas.  On August 8, 1973, Henley killed Dean Corll.  It was only during the course of investigating this murder that the facts of the other killings came out.  Brooks reported that Dean Corll killed teens, usually with Brooks present.  Brooks stated that he never killed anyone but would often help before and after the murders took place.  Henley ended up joining the duo in committing murders.  Brooks reported that about 25-30 boys were killed.  All three of them would often participate in burying or disposing of the bodies in the lake by a boathouse.  The bodies were wrapped nude, in plastic, often with the rope still around their necks that they were strangled to death with (Keppel & Birnes).
It is hard to know why Gacy is more known that this trio of killers.  There are many similarities in their cases.  The general public and police were unaware of the killings until one case brought them to police attention.  Both Gacy and the Pasadena murders were hidden well and the victims were young men.  The murders by Henley, Corll, and Brooks would seem to be more stuck in the mind of the public, since many of the victims were much younger and the fact that three men worked together just seems more sadistic than one person working alone.  The murders and serial killers may be more well known based on how the press covers the cases.  Some names may simply be easier to remember.  John Wayne Gacy’s name is memorable, since John Wayne was a famous movie star.  As in the case of the three killers from Pasadena, there were actually 3 names to know and memorize.  Also, movies that are made about serial killers solidify names and facts about these killers in the minds of the public. 
The following are more cases that are unknown to many people.  A case discussed in great detail in The Psychology of Serial Killer Investigations The Grisly Business Unit is the Yorkshire Ripper murders.  One of the most memorable things about this investigation is the fact that the suspect’s name came up so often, and he was interviewed a dozen times over many years by police, yet he continued to kill all the while.  When the cases against Peter Sutcliffe were finally solved, there was an investigation into how the case was mismanaged and many new good practices for serial killer investigations were put into use as a result (Keppel & Birnes).
Another shocking story is of a serial killer killing his last victim in the presence of police surveillance.  The Granny Killer molested and killed older women.  He was able to continue unchecked because he blended into his victim base.  Once he was pinned down as the most likely offender, he was followed by police, who were trying to find solid evidence against him.  The police were outside the house when he killed his final victim (Keppel & Birnes).
The Atlanta child murderer, Wayne Williams, killed at least 23 people, mostly young black children.  Initial profiles of the killer claimed that the murders were perpetrated by a white racist person.  In fact, the killer was a young black man, and a member of the very community that he terrorized.  He spent a considerable amount of time building relationships with his unsuspecting victims, offering the older victims a promise of a job.  Once he had the perfect opportunity, he would drug his victims, and then asphyxiate them once they were incapacitated.  He would often leave the victim’s bodies is sexually degrading positions (Keppel & Birnes).
The El Paso Desert Murders was a series of 6 homicides, along with one living victim.  All of the murder victims were female prostitutes aged 14-28.  Judith Brown, the final victim and a living witness, was kidnapped and sexually assaulted.  Her statement was not only critical in getting David Wood into prison, but also in the eventual solving of the murders.  Wood’s name came up as a suspect with the El Paso Police Department during the course of each of the murder investigations.  Unfortunately, they didn’t have enough proof needed to prosecute him for the murders.  Wood was already in prison, due to the sexual assault of Judith Brown.  Brown gave a very detailed account of the night she was kidnapped and assaulted, including street names of places where Wood drove her and assaulted her.  Police were able to solve the murders by using this living witness to link the sexual assault site with burial sites of the murder victims, along with forensic evidence from the sexual assault compared to forensic evidence from each burial site.  Wood also bragged to cell mates about the murders he committed.  All of this evidence helped solve the case and convict Wood of the murders (Keppel & Birnes).
Ultimately, the fascination with serial killers may have to do with how scary serial killers are.  We don’t know what makes someone become a serial killer.  Their manipulative nature can keep them undetected for years.  They often appear to be normal members of society. They blend in and could be anyone – your neighbor or even a family member. 

Works Cited
Keppel, Robert D., and William J. Birnes. The Psychology of Serial Killer Investigations The Grisly Business Unit. Academic Press, 2003.


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