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Showing posts from February, 2018

Mandatory Safety Course Proposal: Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness

Mandatory Safety Course Proposal: Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness A photojournalist documents an actual domestic violence assault in progress (Lewkowicz). Many times, these crimes happen in the privacy of the home and often go unreported. Problem Violence can happen to people within all socioeconomic, racial, and cultural backgrounds. According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, a third of all women and a quarter of all men will be victimized by an intimate partner in their lifetime (“Statistics”). Photojournalist Sara Naomi Lewkowicz went home with a family to document their lives for a story she was working on, not knowing that she would become a witness to a domestic violence situation. Once she made sure that police were on their way, she resumed taking photos to document the events of the night. The above photo is from the actual domestic violence event that occur...

Traditional Female Muslim Attire

A big part of the Muslim faith is having a modest dress (Williams et al.).  Hijab is a term that refers to the headscarf that many Muslim women wear to cover their hair, neck and ears, leaving their face out.  Hijab also refers to the concept of modesty as a whole.  There are other forms that cover up more.  The niqab covers the face also, but leave the eyes out in the open.  Also, the burkah covers the entire head and face, with a mesh veil over the eyes so that the woman may see, but her eyes are shielded.  Muslim men are also to be modest in dress.  Some Muslim men wear a jilbab – a long sleeved full robe (Williams et al.). A Muslim woman who may be asked to remove or change her traditional attire would likely be very insulted and offended.  The Civil Rights Act of 1964 protect beliefs and expressions of belief of religious nature (Benson).  Title VII protects against discrimination in workplace hiring and promotion, provide for reasona...

Two Types of Diabetes

Type 1 diabetes accounts for only about 5% to 10% of all diabetes.  Type 1 diabetes is often inherited and most people who get it will develop it as a child.  In type 1 diabetes, immune cells see the insulin producing cells as a foreign body and attack them.  Therefore, type 1 diabetes is classified as an autoimmune disorder (Whitney et al. 601). Type 2 diabetes is much more common.  Someone that has type 2 diabetes has developed a resistance to insulin.  The body is unable to take glucose out of the blood.  The liver makes more glucose, since the muscles are unable to obtain glucose from the blood.  Larger amounts of insulin are then made in the pancreas to overcompensate for the high levels of glucose in the blood.  The pancreas can be overwhelmed and depleted by this overworking.  Type 2 diabetes is noted by insulin deficiency as well as insulin resistance.  Causes of diabetes may be from obesity, smoking, poor diet, lack of exerci...

Potential Problems During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a special and critical time in the development of a new life.  A new life has started and must be cared for even before birth.  There are several things that can contribute or lead to a high risk pregnancy.  A high risk pregnancy can lead to many problems for the unborn child, as well as the mother.  Some high risk pregnancies can result in a baby born prematurely, with a low birth weight, and other organs or body functions that are not fully developed.  (Whitney et al. 489).  Unfortunately, high risk pregnancies can also be life threatening for both the mother and the child. Malnutrition is one type of risk for a high risk pregnancy.  Malnutrition can affect fertility;  women may stop having menstrual cycles and men’s sperm may be less viable.  Should a woman who is malnutritioned become pregnant, it is possible that the placenta may not develop adequately.  A child born with an inadequate placenta may have physical and/...

Obesity in America

Obesity is a huge problem for many people in the United States.  The textbook, Understanding Nutrition , notes that approximately 69% of adults in the United States are overweight or obese and this has become an epidemic (Whitney et al. 206).  Many factors may affect a person’s tendency to be overweight or obese, including a person’s genes and metabolism.  What is most interesting is the environmental, psychological and socioeconomic factors that affect a person’s eating and physical habits, which in turn affect a person’s weight and overall health (268).  When someone exercises, some white fat cells are turned into “brite” fat cells.  Brite fat cells help to protect the body against cold and also helps to prevent obesity (270).  A sedentary lifestyle leads to weight gain.  Activities like watching television, surfing the internet, or playing video games are activities that don’t expend kcalories, versus physical activities that could spend the same...

Benefits of a Vegetarian Diet

Vegetarians are defined as those who eat a diet based on plants, including grains, legumes, fruit, seeds and nuts.  Some vegetarians also consume eggs and milk and/or milk products (Whitney et al. 47).  There are many reasons people choose to become vegetarians.  Healthy lifestyle, personal sense of responsibility, moral, economic, religious reasons, and love of animals lead many people to choose a vegetarian lifestyle.  Eating a plant based diet is associated with lower death rates.  In our textbook, Understanding Nutrition , it is noted that “the risk of dying could be lowered by 7 to 19 percent by eliminating just one serving of meat a day” (Whitney et al. 64). Vegetarians usually have and maintain a healthier weight.  Vegetarian’s diets are usually more healthy in general, with less fats and total kcalories, and tend to eat more fibers and nutrients overall (65).  Since vegetarians usually are not overweight, they tend to be less prone to othe...

Team Rubicon

“Crossing the Rubicon” is a saying that refers to a person or team of people who have dedicated themselves fully to a task with immense inherent risks (Rubicon).  This saying comes from an event in history when Julius Caeser led his army across the Rubicon River into Italy.  At the time, there was a law in place that dictated that an army would disband at the border.  Caeser leading his troops and his troops following Caeser was an offense punishable by death to both Caesar and his followers.  Since Caesar won the battle, neither was punished (Rubicon). In For Love of Country , there is a chapter detailing the beginning of and tremendous work done by Team Rubicon.  The chapter starts with the story of someone that was killed by an EF4 Tornado that struck Viloria, Arkansas on April 27, 2014.  The authors organized the story in Problem-Solution Pattern.  The problems are victims of natural disasters need help rebuilding and veterans who need a sense...

The Slacker Ethical Dilemma

Making ethical decisions is a part of life.  Whether in personal, academic, or work scenarios, making ethical decisions can sometimes be tricky.  In the fictional story ”Picking Up the Slack,” Greg is faced with an ethical dilemma (Wilson).  Greg is a college student who is working on a group project with some of his friends and a girl named Natalie, who he has known since freshmen year.  Greg and Natalie are both seniors and close to graduation. They get along, but are not close friends.  From the very beginning of the group project, it is obvious to Greg and the other team members that Natalie is a slacker.  Her work towards the project is subpar and she consistently puts forth the minimal amount of effort to contribute to the group.  Greg, along with the other members of the team decide to not confront Natalie about her shortcomings, but are left to do much more work, including fixing Natalie’s mistakes.  The group ended up getting an A on t...